Chapter 4 Trees
约 351 个字 96 行代码 2 张图片 预计阅读时间 2 分钟
Chapter 4¶
every node has only one edge and not connect to other siblings.(A unique path)
- degree of a node: the number of subtrees of the node.
degree of a tree : \(Max\{degree\space of\space nodes\}\).
siblings : from the same parent
ancestors : the nodes along the path to the root
leaf (terminal node): degree = 0.
depth : length of the path to the root.
height: \(Max\).
- defined by linked list
typedef struct tree_node* tree_ptr;
typedef struct tree_node{
element_type element;
tree_ptr first_child;
tree_ptr next_sibling;
- defined by array
Expression Trees(syntax trees)¶
先把infix 转成 postfix
From postfix expression 入手
先push 再pop operand 成为operator 的node
Tree Traversals¶
T的preorder = BT的preorder
T的postorder = BT的inorder
Threaded Binary Trees¶
typedef struct ThreadedTreeNode *PtrTo ThreadedNode;
typedef struct PtrToThreadedNode ThreadedTree;
typedef struct ThreadedTreeNode {
int LeftThread; /* if it is TRUE, then Left */
ThreadedTree Left; /* is a thread, not a child ptr. */
ElementType Element;
int RightThread; /* if it is TRUE, then Right */
ThreadedTree Right; /* is a thread, not a child ptr. */
Binary Trees¶
nodes : n ; edges : n-1 ;
Binary Search Trees(BST)¶
中序遍历一遍就是 从小到大的数列
Position Find(ElementType X,SearchTree T);
SearchTree insert(ElementType X,SearchTree T);
SearchTree delete(ElementType X,SearchTree T);
Position Find(int X,SearchTree T){
if(T == NULL) return NULL;
if (T->data == X) return T;
else if(T->data < X) return Find(X,T->right)
else return Find(X,T->left);
Position Iter_Find(int X,SearchTree T){
if(T->data < X) T = T->right;
else if(T->data > X) T= T->left;
else return T;
return NULL;
\(T(N)=S(N)=O(d)\) where d is the depth of X
SearchTree Insert (int X,SearchTree T){
if (T == NULL){
T = (SearchTree) malloc(sizeof(treenode));
if(T == NULL)
FatalError("out of space");
else {
T->data = X;
else // if there is a tree
if(X < T->element)
else if(X > T->element)
//already exist x, we'll do nothing
return T:
- leaf node: 重设它的parent to NULL
- degree 1 node: 让它的child 代替位置
- degree 2 node: 找左子树的MAX或者右子树的MIN 同时这两种node一定是degree 为1